Scholarship Success

Another year, another set of Eton King’s Scholarship candidates have run the academic gauntlet. Boys of just thirteen years have challenged themselves and come out the other side after facing a tough set of exams. There is a lot of luck as to whether one is awarded the scholarship but for those determined and curious enough, the ones with a maverick quality and supportive, but not pushy, parents are likely to succeed.

I have witnessed this in students I’ve had the privilege to tutor over the years. Seven have now been awarded the prestigious Eton King’s Scholarship over twelve years, and another ten receiving scholarships to other top independent schools such as Westminster and Winchester since 2012.

Considering that just fourteen Eton King’s Scholarships are awarded each year, you can appreciate the level of competition and demand for the best of British education among the hundred or so sitting these exams.

Preparation is key and to be nurtured well in advance with a blend of reading, learning the curriculum and beyond: common entrance papers and steadily introducing scholarship past papers from a variety of schools until students are confident enough to tackle Eton papers.

As a tutor, as with other students, you can kind of sense when your student ‘gets it.’ As rapport develops and you learn their learning style there can be real dynamism in how much a student can achieve.

It is difficult to quantify but I was not surprised when I heard last week that one of my most recent students had succeeded in achieving the scholarship. It makes it all worthwhile.

If you would like to learn more about 13+ scholarships and the preparation involved, do not hesitate to contact me:

If you would like to purchase my book, How to Tutor and Influence People, follow this link:

Adam Muckle